Waters of the World

Take me Home - Waters_US_01Take me Home - Waters_US_02Take me Home - Waters_US_03Take me Home - Waters_US_04

Waters of the World

Written by Pavla Hanáčková
Illustrated by Linh Dao
age 6-9

Book parameters:
Size 9 x 9 in | 13 spreads | hardcover | 9788000059440 | $14.95 | Pub date April 1, 2021 | Lexile Level: IG740L

Bite-sized facts about bodies of water from around the globe, pointing out the animals and plants found in them, as well as the unique features and inner workings of these environments.

They’re having the adventure of a lifetime: they want to get to the home they belong to. But what if they don’t know where their home is? Luckily, they have Annie. She’ll accompany them on their journey to see and discover various waters – from polar waters to the Amazon river – to find which one is the right one for each of them. And what happens after they reach their final destination? We’ll sure the animals will love to tell you. Join us on our journey along which you’ll learn many new things!

Books from the series