Helena Haraštová was educated at Brno’s Classical Grammar School before going on to graduate in Dramaturgy from the Janáček Academy of Music and Performing Arts. Since 2012 she has been a part-time student of English Language and Literature at the Faculty of Arts of Masaryk University, Brno. She works mainly as a writer and a translator from English and Russian – her work includes small-scale translations in the Bizzbooks imprint and a Czech translation of a musical by Bernardo Albo. After two years working for the company of the National Theatre in Brno, she became a literary editor at B4U Publishing. Currently Helena Haraštová is fully engaged by her duties as a mother. She first worked for children on a dramatization of The Life Story of a Baby with a Big Head for the National Theatre in Brno. Her most unusual pastime is searching texts of all kinds for errors of spelling, grammar and style.